Susu Ibu Adalah Terbaik Untuk Si Manja Anda

Danone Specialized Nutrition (Malaysia) menyokong penyusuan susu ibu secara ekslusif untuk enam bulan pertama selepas kelahiran. Selepas berusia enam bulan, bayi haruslah diberikan makanan pelengkap yang bersesuaian dengan usia di samping meneruskan penyusuan susu ibu sehingga bayi berusia dua tahun atau lebih. Rujuk doktor anda sebelum membuat keputusan untuk menggunakan susu formula atau jika anda mengalami kesukaran dalam penyusuan susu ibu.

Expert advice

The benefits of healthy digestive system

From being a relaxed, happy-go-lucky mum, I suddenly became aggressive with my daughter, yelling at her to go sit on the potty and do what she was supposed to do. After another day, during which she was given lots of water, prune juice and some more green vegetables, she was made to sit on the potty again. She continued to cry, but when she was passing her bowel she shrieked in real agony. I checked the potty afterwards and saw that the stool was hard and big.

This then became a repeat pattern for the next few weeks. From being a happy household, ours became one where she was crying and shrieking in pain, while I alternated between yelling at her, crying in frustration, and feeling guilty.

After about six weeks of this, I realized that this was not normal and we needed to do something drastic to change this.

What is ‘digestive system’?

Your child's digestive system is much more than just their stomach. It's made up of many parts that all play a role in their overall healthy development.

Why is digestive health important?

In addition to digestion and absorption of nutrients, your child's digestive system helps to keep their immune system strong.

Maintaining a healthy digestive system

There are many simple ways to maintain your child's digestive health, like making sure they drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet and do regular exercise.

The consequences of an unhealthy digestion

Unhealthy digestion can lead to a wide range of problems such as diarrhoea, constipation, and even emotional stress.

The benefits of a healthy digestion

A healthy digestive system doesn't just benefit your child by helping them grow and develop, it has many benefits for you too.

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Kami adalah para ibu yang terdiri daripada bekas jururawat, bidan, pakar diet dan pakar nutrisi berpengalaman yang sedia menjadi pendengar setia dan memberikan bantuan untuk anda dan Si Manja. Hubungi kami untuk dapatkan lebih lagi khidmat nasihat.
